The joy has gone out of life. There's a lack of vibrancy. Depression can make you painfully sad. It can also make you so numb that nothing seems to matter. It can leave you in a state of irritability. And drain your energy. Surrounded by people, you still feel alone and disconnected. You might struggle to find your initiative or go through the day on autopilot, appearing to have it all together, but deep inside, you feel a sense of emptiness and doom.
Though there are many variations of how depression presents, I have found that most who suffer experience a sense of self-loathing at their core. They often fear they are too much and simultaneously, not enough. There is a relentless voice in the back of their mind that is constantly pointing out the ways in which they don’t measure up, and they worry that “if people really knew…”
For this reason, I believe that to get to the root of your depression and create lasting change, an important part of your therapy will be identity work — We will contemplate how you came to see yourself the way you do, if this image fits who you are today, and the impact this has on how you show up in your life. (Of course, your therapy won't only focus on identity -- we will also be working through all of the other factors that contribute to your depression.) This is a space for all aspects of your Self -- it is where that tiny, quiet voice can be spoken or that mighty roar let out. This is a space for YOU.
You do not have to be defined by who the world thinks you should be, or by your past, or your problems, or the limiting beliefs you have about yourself. You do not need to fix all of your "flaws" in order to be happy, healthy, and loved.
In doing this work, you can come to experience yourself in a new light and depressive symptoms can give way to joy, vibrancy, and an authentic "yes" to life.
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Psychotherapy in Newport Beach & across California